
The Fitness Catte

A charming seeker male who runs a fitness gym and wellness center and is all about living your best life. Always ready to help those in need and while he's mostly retired from the adventurer's lifestyle he's still quite skilled with the lance and ready to pick it back up whenever the time arises. For now, he's just here for gains, pretty faces, and living a good life.

This is an IC Profile for the FFXIV character Vanoh. Use the buttons below to learn more about this character and thanks for visiting!

Basic Information

Name: Vanoh
Nickname: Van
Age: Mid-late 20s
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Gender: Male
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Marital Status: Taken (open relationship)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: He doesn't really have any partiuclar one he follows, he believes in the deities but follows the beat of his own drum for the most part
Profession: Owner of a Gym and fitness/wellness coach
Languages: Eorzean Common
Birthplace: Somewhere in Thanalan
Residence: He lives in the basement of the Gym he runs in the Lavendar Beds
In Character Classes: Dragoon, though he only considers himself a lancer as he has done nothing ot deserve the title of dragoon, even if he's well skilled enough to be one.
Out of Character Classes: Any class that isn't dragoon/lancer.



Hair: Shoulder length, messy, dark purple with lighter purple streaks
Eyes: a vivid light purple
Height: 5'6"
Build: Incredibly muscular/toned
Distinguishing Features: black tiger-like markings on face
General Fashion Tastes: Typically form fitting attire that shows off his physique, though when going into combat based situations he'll put on more armor for safety. He usually wears dark pinks, purples, and reds.
Notable Accessories: None
Vanoh is an incredibly well built and physically in fit miqo'te male with very dark skin and exceptionally striking eyes. Very handsome by most standards and with a smile that can charm most he's definitely easy on the eye in more then one way. Despite leading a fairly combative lifestyle he seems mostly unmarred by scars, either never having gotten them to begin with or having found some mean to rid himself of them so he can keep his pristine appearance. His tail is a little on the short side, the dark purple fur somewhat coarse to the touch.


Positive Qualities: charming, kind, giving, protective, willing to go to great lengths for the people he cares for
Negative Qualities: overly confident, boastful, and cocky at times, struggles to hold himself back once emotions get the best of him
Vanoh is a friendly man, always ready to meet anyone he comes across with a charming smile and a kind word, unless given reason otherwise. Perhaps at times he's a little overly confident, his prideful nature can get the best of him and he's not afraid to show off when he gets the chance. When it comes to the people in his life he holds important he'll go to just about any length for them, even to his own detriment. He's loyal to a fault and not afraid to prove his love and adoration to those he cares for at every given chance. All that said, he may not be the brightest candle in the lot at times, his smarts more of the street variety then book, but what he makes up in lacking intelligence he makes up for in other ways as best he can.


Hobbies: exercise/working out, cooking, charming attractive people, adventure and exploration, and just generally having a good time
Vices: He'll drink socially but otherwise has none, unless you count attractive people
Likes: making friends, flirting with attractive people, training with his lance, watching others excel and improve themselves, being there for people, smiles, good food
Dislikes: People who give up before even trying, being unable to accomplish a task he's set himself to, being sick (woe onto any who have to take care of this man when he is sick)
Fears: failing to protect the people he cares for most, permanently losing his strength/ealth


Below are various pictures I've received or have taken of them in game. Enjoy!

Char References

none yet


none yet

Screenshots (Current Appearance)

Screenshots (Older Appearances)

Roleplay Information

Looking For

The following is what I'm most looking for in regards to this character and roleplay.

  • Friendship

  • Romance (short and long term)

  • WoLs to write/ship him with (AUs)

  • People to protect

  • Dragoons to oogle admire (Estinien senpai plz notice him)

Normal Haunts

The following are the places you can most likely find this character.

  • Gridania and the Shroud - Ever since arriving in the Shroud he fell in love with it and al the natural beauty

  • Ul'dah and Thanalan - While he's not all that fond of it compared to his new place to call home, he does go back often enough for jobs or to visit with old and new friends alike

  • The wilds - He's a hunter and an adventurer, he can't sit around for long before the call to use his lance takes him out into the world. So you never know where he may show up!

  • Ishguard - Due to his admiratin of dragoons he often does find himself up in Ishguard just wanting to learn more about them. He perhaps harbors some aspirations to be one himself, but lacks the chance to actually make it a reality.

RP Hooks

The following are some possible RP Hooks we can plot off of for our characters to meet/interact with each other! I am always open to other suggestions though should you think of any, just let me know!

  • Care for an adventure? - Vanoh is always looking for people to go out on adventurers with! Whether it's to take on an actual mission or just to go explore the unknown he doesnt' mind either way as long as he can get out and put his strength to use!

  • No worries, I'll whip you into shape - Vanoh's all about fitness. Eating well, sleeping right, working out, the whole shebang. If you got a char wanting to get into shape or just looking for someone to work out with in general feel free to hit Vanoh up he's always happy to help whip someone into shape if they're willing to put in the effort!

  • Hey there beautiful - Vanoh is a brazen flirt. Male, female, everyone in between, it doesn't matter if he finds you attractive and you don't immediately dismiss or turn away his advances he's gonna flirt (and perhaps more, if that's what you're wanting). That said, he forms bonds easily with people and generally doesn't care for one night stands unless that's what the other person wants. So if you're looking for a flirt with a heart of gold and staying power then he's your man.

  • Scion at your service - In most verses including in game (unless otherwise discussed beforehand and requested he not be) Vanoh is a member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. As such he goes around Eorzea helping wherever he can, often sent out on missions by them or at the request of people who call for their aid. If you need such assistance don't hestiate to reach out.

  • Are you my Light? (AUs) - Vanoh was originally created to be a Scion to write with/ship with people's warriors of light, if you would be intersted in this please feel free to let me know. I'm always happy to take on more AUs of this because I love the concept of playing a Scion who is just so completely enamoured with their WoL.

OOC Information


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: In-game: 12pm-4am weekdays, most times weekends. This is not my main though so please be mindful of that fact and ask for my main's name if you want to keep in touch when I'm not on her.

  • Preferred place to RP: In-game and discord are both welcomed (ask for discord once we've gotten to know each other some, I do not give it until I'm comfortable.) In-Game is my main preference with discord good for continuations or if in-game scheduling is proving difficult.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • While I am open to RPing with muses of any age, romantic and nsfw content will only be with muns and muses both 18+

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it.

  • While I can be a pretty robust writer, I do try to match my partners. So if you want long posts from me, then give me long posts in return. Short posts get short responses. Simple enough.

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, sex, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am not one to really judge too harshly on lore bending, since I do it myself, but if you are completely breaking the lore of the game I may politely decline RPing with you, though wish you all the best in having fun your own way otherwise!

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • I enjoy PvE content and am always happy to make RP friends who will also run dungeons and the like with me from time to time! So if you're looking for an RP buddy who will actually run around doing non-RP stuff with you, I'm your gal! I am also very heavily into taking screenshots and take a lot of inspiration from RPs I do to make them, so if you'd like me to do that with our muses do let me know and I'll be sure to keep our RPs in mind when looking for gpose inspiration!

  • This char is not my only char, nor are they my main and as such I am not always on them, but if you are ever interested in other chars of mine and may want to RP with them instead please feel free to give them a look here and see if anyone catches your interest!